accomodements raisonnables et schizophrénie ordinaire
« On doit garantir à tous les membres musulmans des Waffen-SS et de la police le droit indiscutable, prévu par leur religion, à ne pas manger de la viande de porc et à ne pas boire de boissons alcooliques. Il faudra leur garantir des menus équivalents. (…) Je ne veux pas que, par la stupidité et l'étroitesse d'esprit de quelques individus isolés, un seul de ces héroïques volontaires eut à ressentir une gêne et à se croire privé des droits qui leur ont été assurés. (…) J’ordonne que chaque infraction à ces dispositions soit punie sans la moindre hésitation et qu'on m'en rende compte. »
(Adolf Hitler cité par Roger James Bender et Hugh Page Taylor, Uniform Organisation and History of the Waffen-SS, Bender publ., Mountain View, California 1971, source)
Photo: soldats SS de la division Waffen-SS Handschar dans le sud de la France lisant une brochure de propagande nazie intitulée "Islam et judaïsme"...On notera sur le col de l'uniforme l'alliance du cimeterre Turc et de la croix gammée
Lire aussi cet article bien éclairant de Maurice Deschamps sur Scriptoblog à propos du double discours du CRIF ou comment prôner -à la fois- une société multiculturelle/ethnique en France et un état unitaire Juif...cohérence, cohérence.
10:16 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (7) | Tags : accomodements raisonnables, division handschar
Mais je n'ai rien dit, car je ne veux pas l'attirer sur ton blog, l'Amiral et Dxdiag ont déjà fort à faire ^^
Écrit par : Carine | 27/11/2010
bon we!
Écrit par : hoplite | 27/11/2010
Ces chapeaux curieux les rendent un peu ridicules donc plus "sympas".
Enfin positivons, l'Islam s'adapte à tout, c'est bien la preuve d'une grande civilisation non ?
Écrit par : robespierre | 27/11/2010
Écrit par : Carine | 27/11/2010
Écrit par : Stag | 27/11/2010
Please read the following what the German commander Schmitdhuber reported to Hitler about the SS Skenderbeg of which he was in charge;
Top Secret 175/44, October 2, 1944 - Summar report on forming and condition
"From the military organizing point of view, the order for forming this division was based on wrong assumptions".
"Albanians are living in some kind of primitive facultativeness...He's never in a hurry. He doesn't wish to fight in ranks of his military formations, but only in the ranks of his armed gangs. There isn't any kind of discipline in these gangs. When it's raining Albanian leaves his post, and at the start of night he leaves his military position and goes to the village to drink brandy. After spending 12 days in the field - without asking his gang leader - he leaves for 4-5 days at home and then returns to his gang...or doesn't return at all".
"Albanian isn't familiar and doesn't like at all military field training and shooting practise. His alleged shooting skill is just a story and lie. He likes to shoot a lot, mostly sitting behind the cover and shooting - straight in the air. He simply pulls the trigger and constantly reloads his gun. Albanian is sensitive of artillery shelling and has mortal fear of it. Albanian takes part in an attack until he finds something he can steal or take by force. If he manages to steal a goat, axe or sewing machine wheel the war for him is over and he goes home on his own free will. On every 20 Albanians there must be 2 German SS non-commissioned officers: One to command, and the other to follow and check them".
"In regard of their clothing, our instructors are dealing with the same problems as with the negroes. Most of the recruits are of village origin and they wore shoes for the first time in their lives. They where very proud of their shoes, so they didn't take them off even during night. But during long marches they took their shoes off and put them over their shoulders. When Albanians start to run, they get rid of there shoes, they can run faster on there barefoot"
"Proposition which president of Albanian national committee in the town of Prizren BEDRI PEJANI in written form submitted to Reichsführer of SS troops are nothing but simplest bombastic lies. Bedri Pejani is just a political scumbag that managed to provide a good life for himself using political scams in the country and abroad. He, and most of the Albanian "politicians", don’t care where the money comes from to satisfy their immoderate life needs".
"The forming of the division in planned size would be achieved quickest if a Commander was given a bag of gold to bribe influential local Albanian leaders. The first question a person which is looking for friendship with Albanians is asked is "How much gold will you give me?". It seems that some Albanians wanted to make a good business out of forming the "Skenderbeg" division".
Écrit par : UnOurs | 27/11/2010
Écrit par : hoplite | 27/11/2010
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