Dhimmitude ou l'avenir programmé des catholiques progressistes
Muslim prayer rooms should be opened in Catholic schools, say church leaders

Muslim prayer rooms should be opened in every Roman Catholic school, church leaders have said. The Catholic bishops of England and Wales also want facilities in schools for Islamic pre-prayer washing rituals.
The demands go way beyond legal requirements on catering for religious minorities. But the bishops - who acknowledge 30 per cent of pupils at their schools hold a non-Christian faith - want to answer critics who say religious schools sow division.
Bishops want prayer rooms opened in every Roman Catholic school (file photo) The recommendations were made in a document, Catholic Schools, Children of Other Faiths and Community Cohesion.
'If practicable, a room (or rooms) might be made available for the use of pupils and staff from other faiths for prayer,' the bishops said.
'Existing toilet facilities might be adapted to accommodate individual ritual cleansing which is sometimes part of religious lifestyle and worship. 'If such space is not available on a permanent or regular basis, extra efforts might be made to address such need for major religious festivals.'
The Islamic cleansing ritual, called 'Wudhu', is carried out by Muslims before they pray. Islam teaches that Muslims are unfit for prayer if they have not performed Wudhu after breaking wind or using the toilet.
Wudhu involves washing the face, hands, arms and feet three times each, gargling the mouth three times and washing the neck and inside the nose and ears. Some Muslims also wash their private parts. Catholic schools would need to install bidets, foot spas and hoses to facilitate such extensive cleansing rituals, Muslims say.
Daphne McLeod, a former Catholic head teacher from south London, said it would be 'terribly expensive' for the country's 2,300 Catholic primary and secondary schools to provide ritual cleansing facilities. She said: 'If Muslim parents choose a Catholic school then they accept that it is going to be a Catholic school and there will not be facilities for ritual cleansing and prayer rooms.
'They do their ritual cleansing before they go to a mosque, but they are not going to a mosque. 'I don't think the bishops should go looking for problems. Where will it stop?'
But Majid Khatme, a Muslim who sent his children to a London Catholic school, said he was delighted by the gesture. 'It is very kind of the bishops if they give this facility for Muslims to pray,' he said.
'I would love to send a letter of thanks to the bishops, really. If they do this all Muslims in Britain will be thankful to the Catholic Church to have facilities to pray. It is very, very encouraging.'
The recommendations have been approved by Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Birmingham and the favourite to succeed Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor as Catholic primate. But it would be up to governing bodies of each school to decide whether to act on the guidance.
Il y a aussi de bonnes nouvelles dans nos terroirs progressistes et havres de tolérance et de multiculturalisme...
21:19 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (5) | Tags : dhimmitude, musulmans, catholiques, peur sur l'europe, progressistes, écoles catholiques
Écrit par : Inukshuk | 05/12/2008
les occidentaux ne connaissent pas l'islam et commettent une grave erreur en considérant qu'il s'agit d'une religion comme les autres; L'islam est à la fois une foi, une Loi et un droit, qui régit la vie entière du musulman.
nos petits clercs religieux et laïcs, pétris d'islamophilie et désireux d'acheter la paix sociale face à des populations migrantes d'origine essentiellement musulmane aux revendications communautaires crescendo, c'est-à-dire face à l'islamisation du continent européen -et sous couvert de tolérance et de respect de la diversité- font le lit d'une balkanisation des états nations européens et de conflits inter ethniques, inter communautaires inévitables.
ne te trompe pas sur moi. Je respecte l'islam en terre d'islam. L'attitude des autorités britanniques face au communautarisme musulman illustre parfaitement leur aveuglement face au danger absolu que représente la constitution d'enclaves musulmanes en occident. Qui un jour ou l'autre feront sécession ou obtiendront progressivement des accommodements de la loi commune vis à vis du coran, seule référence de tout musulman.
Écrit par : hoplite | 05/12/2008
Écrit par : Inukshuk | 05/12/2008
Écrit par : Didier Goux | 06/12/2008
l'article fait référence aux autorités catholiques britanniques qui recommandent l'installation de salles de prière adaptées et de toilettes réservées aux enfants musulmans, non pas seulement dans les écoles laiques, mais aussi dans les écoles confessionnelles chrétiennes...
Écrit par : hoplite | 06/12/2008
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